Meditation: The Inner Retreat

August 25, 2024

A large global gathering convened at the International Convention Centre in Birmingham (UK) for the second public talk of Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj’s 2024 UK tour. The spiritual Master explained how the love, joy, and happiness we seek in the outer world await us within. The divine nectar of God’s love is ever-present within each of us. We can partake of this sweet nectar when, with the guidance of a spiritual Master, we learn to journey into the inner worlds through meditation.

As we withdraw our attention from the outer world and focus it within, we can connect with God’s love and nourish our soul. Through meditation, we realize God’s presence in our lives, and as this happens, worry and fear dissipate.

Addressing the many new seekers in the audience, Sant Rajinder Singh Ji reminded everyone of the grand purpose for which we were given this human existence. We need to make use of this golden opportunity to help our soul find its way back to God so that the light of the soul merges again into the Light, just as the waves of the ocean merge again into the ocean. Our private inner retreat can be accessed through meditation, and it serves as our refuge from the stresses and strains of everyday life.